Dear Readers
On behalf of all the exhibitors, the first thing I’d like to do this month is thank everyone who supported the Nottingham Show this year. Our talks were popular and we’d a very enjoyable day. The staff looked after us well and, once again, The Olive Pot provided some excellent refreshments. Many visitors placed Wendy Piper in a dilemma, urging her to rethink her decision to close her business. Knits ‘n’ Bits has been well-liked by many machine knitters and it will be a blow for our craft to lose Wendy, so we sent her home with lots of thinking to do in the weeks ahead.
Since last month, I’ve been in touch with Linda Jackson of Artika Designs. Reader Sheila Thody found a tatty chair in a local secondhand shop and, using her Brother 836 and a punchcard design from Artika Designs, she’s transformed it into a great piece of furniture. In the August issue we’ve full step-by-step instructions with photos to show you how Sheila renovated her chair. To encourage you to get going with home furnishings, Linda will offer a set of any three books chosen from Tartans Tweeds and Checks, Designs for Interiors, Fabric Weaves, Eastern Promise, Optical Illusions and Colourwash Fabrics. You can see all the designs in the collections on her website at so start looking now, to whet your appetite and take your machine knitting in a slightly different direction.
Thinking about different things to do with our machines, we’ll also include an exclusive design from Tony Bennett of Dormani Yarns next month. Tony returns to the UK in September, to end the courses held at Metropolitan. This a the last opportunity to take part in a Tony Bennett course in the UK, so call 01270-628414 now or email to ask if any places are still available. Sadly Carol and Mark have both suffered from serious health problems in recent times, which prevents them continuing to run Metropolitan. Tony’s visit is to be the final event and will bring Carol and Mark’s 30 years of trading to an end, on a special high note. Turn to Page 11 for full details of where to find Metropolitan and what’s still on offer. Do please support them, before their doors finally close in September.
With summer on its way and much to tempt you next month, it’s time to ‘keep knitting’!
August 2019
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