As our club has such good knitters, help is always on hand for the less experienced. We had ten members at the week including our one male member, who is a very experienced knitter. I took along my cousin as a guest and everyone made her very welcome. I’m going to attach a couple of photographs and hope this will inspire other clubs to try it.
Members of the Ewenique club meet every second and fourth Monday of the month at The Folk Hall in New Earswick at either 1.45 pm if we’re having a guest speaker or 2.00 pm if one of our own members is going to do a demonstration for us. We arrange two of the knitting weeks each year in the spring and autumn. If any readers live in the area and would like to join us, we’d be very pleased to welcome them. The contact for the club is Mrs Greta Morton our Secretary and her phone number is 01423-860923 or e-mail
Thanks very much Anne and best wishes.
Hannah Ward, York