Dear Readers
My month started on a rather sombre note, when her husband called to tell me that Yvonne Knapman had passed away. In her time, she was truly a master of Double Jacquard on Japanese machines, producing some wonderfully ‘classy’ designs. Old hands may have bought her patterns, or her excellent book The Beginner’s Guide to Double Jacquard Knitting on starting the technique, which yarn to use, tension guides and how to convert Fair Isle to Double Jacquard. There are still machine knitters using her Jac-card holder to help with Double Jacquard. When she retired she took on some exceptional work for the charity Heather’s Hair. Back in 2015 it helped people with hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment or illness, but sadly had to close in 2018. We’ve been friends for a very long time and chatted a lot, so her passing came as a big shock for me. I send my sincere condolences to her husband Chris, their family and many friends.
Now do please turn to Page 8, to read the news that another dear friend, Susan Guagliumi, has decided to retire. For almost forty years, our paths have been linked and I’ve spent a working lifetime alongside Susan. The machine knitting scene was as vibrant in the USA as here and we became great friends. At one time, I was going to America almost every month and Neil and I had a wonderful holiday with Susan and her husband in 2017. Her knowledge and expertise are immeasurable, so I rejoice that her legacy is passing to a safe pair of hands. Flip over a page or two to News Extra for the full story.
Our ‘good news’ story of the month, on Page 52, has to be that Irene Krieger’s fundraising for cancer research has reached almost $13,000. Irene’s Bravery Beads and continuing efforts have played a huge part in getting clinical trials off the ground. She also reads the magazine from cover to cover each month and shares her thoughts on the inspiration she picks up from our pages.
Finally, I’ll mention that the digital version of the magazine is up-and-running. It’s early days, of course… and we’re still on a learning curve. Each issue from January 2025 is now available as a digital download in the shop on our website. The great news for many readers is that huge postal costs and customs delays in some countries are now a thing of the past. Find us at https://machineknittingmonthly.net/shop/ and knit happy!
Subscription copies sent out Thursday 3rd April
On sale Thursday 10th April
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