French Electronics

I live in France and would love to make contact with other double bed knitting machine owners.

Kind regards, Penelope Skea

Hi Penelope

My name is Maggi Bloice and I live in Brittany, as a knitting machine collector I have several of the Singer/Superbas and they are incredible machines, I find that France (or Brittany) in my case is a bit of a desert for machine knitters, I did advertise a few years ago for interested parties to contact me and I had a few responses but most were too far away.

kind regards,


2010-11-21 10:00:50
Hi Penelope, check out the Singer group at as there are several members who live in France. Also Patrick Madden’s excellent website which is choc full of specific info about our wonderful machines. Search for Superba Knitting.
shona mcdougall
2013-01-27 18:30:35