The cushion covers were for a 12-inch square cushion pad and were knitted for 240 rows over 84 stitches. I used stitch size 7 on the Duo 80. The scarves were knitted over 30 stitches on each bed in a 1×1 rib on stitch size 5. I knitted for about 500 rows until the yarn popped out of the tension arm, giving me just enough to cast off! I had to re-wind the balls twice, waxed them the second time and then even had to help the machine by pulling the yarn out of the centre of the ball for about the first 20 rows.
If E6000 owners are prepared to work on the back bed, casting on for stocking stitch is a case of pushing up pushers in a one up, one down arrangement for all working needles and then knitting four rows. Have BX on that bed with both arrow keys. After the four rows, cancel the arrow keys, have the lock on N and knit for 240 rows.
I’ve found that I can achieve the same tensions on the Passap as my Brother KH881 on the same stitch sizes or tension dial settings. I have 28 stitches and 40 rows to 10 cm on tension dial or stitch size between 6 and 7. Using three-ply yarns, the setting needs to be between 3 or 5, but the Passap really doesn’t like knitting stocking stitch at low numbers on the 5 mm gauge. Just for the record, ribbing is comparable. I have even got the Passap to knit standard 4-ply Shetland with the tension dial set at 7 to give me 28 stitches and 39 rows to 10 cm.
This letter is written to encourage your timorous Passap users (including those with an E6000 about which I know little) who are concerned that there aren’t many patterns in MKM for Passap and Pfaff E6000 and Duo 80 machines. Try using a standard stocking stitch pattern for a plain jumper the pattern is for 28 stitches and 40 rows to 10 cm. For a confidence booster, E6000 users don’t need the console and you could even try my scarf and cushion ideas, too!
Katherine Humphries, Poole, Dorset
I love to decorate my cushions with nice covers. I think those are some fantastic model and eager to acquire some.
I love lovely cushions and nice socks and I’m trying to find a sock pattern. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Thank you and best regards from Lorraine