I’ve just returned to machine knitting and I’ve a Silver Reed SK860 with DesignaKnit 7. I need some help please to work it all out and I’d love to find a tutor. I’m willing to travel and hope someone can help.
Thanks a lot. Unfortunately I work on Thursdays but hope to rearrange my working week to have a Thursday off. I have booked on a course with Metropolitan to hopefully sort out the DesignaKnit and machine which I am looking forward to. Thank you for the reply.
2011-09-30 20:23:27
I’m not sure where you are in Lincolnshire but we have a great club at Donington that meets every other Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at the Ruby Hunt Centre in Donington. http://www.therubyhuntcentre.org.uk/
Our next meeting is on Thursday 25th August. Last month we had a visit from Clair Crowston who lives in Skegness which lasted all day and we all thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much from her.
You’re more than welcome to come and just visit us. Enjoy the exchange of ideas and talking to other knitters who can perhaps tell you of other clubs that might be more local to you.
Best wishes from Margaret