Machine Knitting LIVE!

The school is on the A3060, Castle Lane West. Once you reach Castlepoint Shopping Centre on the right, continue straight. East Way is first left and Castle Gate Close is second left. Everything is on one level so disabled access is easy. Organised by machine knitters for machine knitters, Machine Knitting LIVE! really is a friendly event that welcomes everyone. This year we’ve some new exhibitors, so please support the show.

Pay on the door and entrance is £6 for everyone. Children are admitted free as long as they’re supervised throughout.

This year our leading names include Iris Bishop, Sue Castro, Elaine Cater, Clair Crowston, Beryl Jarvis, Nina Miklin and Fiona Morris. Hilary also hopes to bring her collection of Busy Bee patterns.

Apologies that at the last minute Anne Baker with Karabee designs and Carl Boyd can’t attend for health reasons. As we go to press, we look forward to welcoming the following exhibitors:

Arnold Bennett with amazing buttons
Busy Bee Hilary hopes to bring the full range of patterns to the show
Iris Bishop will have her fabulous designs and she’s our Guest Speaker
Sue Castro has innovative ideas and help for club leaders
Elaine Cater designer patterns and books
Anne Croucher will run our Knit Clinic and offer help and advice on all machines – she has 50 of her own!
Clair Crowston and her designer patterns
DesignaKnit with expert advice including the new DesignaKnit 8 from Carol at Metropolitan
Guild of Machine Knitters Frank Dineen launched the Guild at our first exhibition in Bournemouth in 1998 and it’s gone from strength to strength
B Hague & Co bring their selection of linkers, twisters, winders and accessories for all machines
David Hampson is new this year with packs of major branded yarn including Wendy, Twilleys, Stylecraft, King Cole and JC Brett. He’s hopefully recovered from his back injury
David & Phyllis Hilton bring their intarsia expertise and designs
Beryl Jarvis brings her designs, Info Sheets and DVD
Knits ‘n’ Bits Wendy Piper brings a large selection of used machines, accessories, books and patterns
MKM will bring current and back issues, Anjo patterns, La Rivière dust covers, American patterns plus binders
Metropolitan has a huge selection of machines, books, accessories and yarns including Metro Crêpe
Nina Miklin brings her luxury yarns and designer patterns
Fiona Morris has innovative patterns, yarn and notions
Silver Reed new machines and accessories are available at Metropolitan
Uppingham Yarns always has a wide range of yarns

This year, our show is staged with lots of help and support from several clubs.

In case of difficulty, members of the Talbot Division branch of St John Ambulance will be on hand all day.

We’re delighted to confirm that our Guest Speaker this year is Iris Bishop.

Members of St John Ambulance organise the Left Luggage point and your donations to their fund-raising efforts are always much appreciated.

There will be new and second-hand machines, together with a wide range of accessories for all machines. If you’d like to find out more about buying and using a knitting machine or linker, come to Bournemouth for expert advice from the long-established and highly reputable Metropolitan plus B Hague & Co. A newcomer this time is Wendy Piper with Knits ‘n’ Bits – a large selection of used machines, accessories, books and patterns

The school’s caterers provide drinks and refreshments at very reasonable prices. We use the school dining room, so there’s lots of seating available.

Parking again is right outside the door in the school’s playground and we reserve spaces for disabled travellers just by the entrance. Coaches and mini-buses usually drop knitters to leave the driver free to look around Bournemouth. The main bus route is on the road right outside the school.

Local stockists with a good supply of coned yarn are in short supply so if you’d like to re-stock your knitting room, you’ll find lots to tempt you. Nina Miklin brings her fabulous luxury yarns and Metropolitan will have a large range including Metro Fine French Crêpe. Uppingham Yarns always has a wide selection of popular yarn and hopefully David Hampson has recovered from his back injury. He’ll bring Wendy, Twilleys, Stylecraft, King Cole and JC Brett yarns. Arnold Bennett is now the ‘haby man’ with his button collection. It’s looking good, so please make every effort to join us this year. This is the only MK LIVE! show in 2012 and the craft really needs your support if it’s to survive.

I’m sad to see that there won’t be any shows ‘up North’ this year!
2012-02-16 11:13:46
I am really happy to join Machine Knitting Monthly. I know that I would be able to learn how to knit from them.
Jake Reeves
2012-03-05 15:51:24