Our cover design is an easy top to fit a large size range, quickly knitted in King Cole Opium on chunky machines. We also include instructions for converting all our patterns for knitting on standard gauge machines. We’ve ten designs, so take a look at the Contents list for more details. Iris Rowe adds a triceratops to last month’s dinosaur in the Toy Box, Sally-Ann Carroll helps us to show our knits a taste of summer and Bill King reminds us about an enormous time-saver for even small pieces of fabric. Rachel Mayer returns to help DesignaKnit users work with Original Pattern Drafting and we shine the spotlight on Kingston student Edie Ashley and her design tribute to her grandmother Laura Ashley. We always include news, books and fashion and we’ve a special reader discount on a fabulous new book packed with information a machine or hand knitter would ever want or need.
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