Double bed tuck stitch

My problem is that I can’t get the patterning to work. The pattern note in the book says:-MB carriage set to tuck in both directions. RB carriage set to slip from left to right and knit from right to left. I understand how to set the knit carriage to tuck in both directions but don’t understand the settings for the ribber carriage. I have tried many combinations with the buttons on the ribber carriage, but am now running out of wool and patience! Please can anyone help me?


The easiest way to explain the ribber setting is to set it as you would for the selvedge rows when casting on. Check in your ribber manual if you are not sure.

You need to set the right side of the ribber carriage so that it will slip when you move the carriages from the left side of the knitting to the right side.


Sue P
2012-11-05 13:51:34
Thank you so much Sue – I shall be trying this as soon as I have done all my chores. Lyn.
2012-11-22 15:34:53

The easiest way to explain the ribber setting is to set it as you would for the selvedge rows when casting on. Check in your ribber manual if you are not sure.

You need to set the right side of the ribber carriage so that it will slip when you move the carriages from the left side of the knitting to the right side.


Sue P
2012-11-05 13:51:34
Thank you so much Sue – I shall be trying this as soon as I have done all my chores. Lyn.
2012-11-22 15:34:53