Dear Readers
It’s been a sad month, as I’ve had to say goodbye to two very close friends. The first is Sue Pritchard, who has been one of our Knitting Buddies and an MKM contributor for more years than I can remember. Sue has battled for such a long time with cancer and it’s brought huge sadness to those who knew her to learn that her long-lasting fight has finally come to an end. My second loss may well come as a shock to those who are current or past members of the Guild of Machine Knitters and it’s the sad passing of Diane Leverton. We were fellow Directors of the Guild and many saw her as recently as the AGM last year, after which she retired as Secretary and Clubs Co-ordinator. Diane hadn’t been in the best of health for a number of years but, like Sue, she fought serious health difficulties with a huge amount of determination and courage. Both Sue and Diane had much to fill their lives and willingly passed on their knowledge and skills for the benefit of us all. I’m sure you’ll join me in sending our heartfelt condolences to all their surviving family members and many close friends.
Last month I promised you an update on a small light which Brenda and Doug Bristow found on their travels. It’s a drum around four inches tall, about an inch across and the 15 tiny LED lights are in a block on a flexible four-inch long stem, which twists and turns in any direction. It stands on any magnetic base, including a knitting machine needlebed, to give masses of illumination. I haven’t used it continuously, but it’s still running on the three triple A batteries supplied. If your sight isn’t as good as it used to be and for super-clear illumination in any dark spots, give Brenda a call now at Heatherwood on 01293-851339.
Finally, it’s time to invite you to take part in our annual lucky dip for a free ticket for the Nottingham Show. It’s at West Park Leisure Centre in Wilsthorpe Road, Long Eaton NG10 4AA on Sunday 14th April and details are on Page 41. Send an sae about 12 x 17 cm (5 x 7 in) marked Nottingham in the top left hand corner to Machine Knitting Monthly, PO Box 1479, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8YX. For this show to survive we need the footfall through the doors, so it’s even more important to make the extra effort to join us this year.
Do please join me next month, as every one of us can take personal pride in celebrating the 33rd birthday of MKM. It’s a huge achievement, for which we should all be immensely proud.
April 2019 – our 33rd birthday issue
Subscription copies sent out Thursday 7th March
On sale Thursday 14th March
Ask your newsagent to reserve a copy now