October update

Dear Readers

It’s been a long time coming, but Alison Dupernex’s new book has at last been published. As you’ll read on Page 10, it’s the most comprehensive book to date for machine knitters. Whatever your age or ability, you’ll learn so much about our craft. I know of no other book, written by a professional machine knitwear designer, that generously shares so many original design ideas, tips and advice. When have we ever had over 100 designs in a book? Alison has included sweaters and cardigans, jackets and coats, waistcoats and sleeveless pullovers for all shapes and sizes. There’s also a lovely section of children’s knitwear designs. To dress us from head to toe, she includes lots of scarves and hats, gloves and wrist warmers, socks and slippers. Our homes are not forgotten, with patterns for new cushions and throws. It really is an amazing collection, not to mention 100 Fairisle colourways and stitches. There’s also a pattern directory of 70 inspiring examples, as well as 50 machine-knitted cable stitches.

The content Alison has given us is truly mind-blowing. I remember saying that her book Machine Knitting: Designing With Colour was nothing short of amazing. Having seen Creative Machine Knitting, I now need to adjust that comment, because I didn’t think it was possible to give machine knitters any more. If you have neither book, please add one or both to your Christmas wish list. If you’re a very new knitter and just starting out, Creative Machine Knitting will fill you to the brim with the joy, excitement and possibilities machine knitting has to offer. It’s impossible to recommend it too highly and I send my personal congratulations Alison. It’s a phenomenal amount of work, a splendid new book and you should be immensely proud of your achievement and major contribution to our craft.

The next thing I must do is thank our many overseas readers who sent me their condolences at the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I’ve included a very small selection in Dear Anne this month, but a huge number poured in. I know our UK readers will join me in asking all those who wrote to accept our personal thanks, at our time of national sorrow.

Finally, when you turn to Page 37 you’ll see that next month we’ve a selection of new and exclusive designs for Christmas from Alison Dupernex. They’re gorgeous knitted baubles in two shapes and sizes, some beautiful lavender bags for handmade gifts at any time of the year and pin cushions as another lovely gift for sewing enthusiasts. You’ll need just ten grams of many assorted colours so it’s time to sort out your stash, ready to make a start when your December magazine arrives. Until next month, knit happy!

NEXT ISSUE December 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 3rd November

On sale Thursday 10th November

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September update

Dear Readers

It’s been another sad month for me, as you’ll read on Page 10. Frank Dineen, who brought about the foundation of the Guild of Machine Knitters, has died peacefully at the grand age of 90 years. I’ve spoken at length with his wife Jan and we found ourselves sharing many happy memories of a life well lived, rather than tears.

As you’ll read, Frank and I go back as far as 1994, when he sent a letter to To & Fro. Hazel Ratcliffe was working with me at the time and she felt very strongly that old machines should be thrown away, not preserved. I’m still of the opinion that if someone hasn’t used a knitting machine before and they buy what Hazel called an ‘old rogue’, it could be enough to put them off machine knitting for life, especially if the machine was in poor condition with bits and pieces missing. To be honest, they may not be old Record, Girotex or Turmix machines but folk are still being caught out today with rusted relics sold on eBay with missing parts and essential accessories.

I think it’s fair to say that Hazel and I ‘humoured’ Frank at the time and, besides, Rosemary Sheath at Knitcraft had masses of spares and instruction manuals for old Knitmaster machines. One letter led to another and before long Frank and Jan were frequent visitors in my office, with their parrot and dog safely tucked in as well. Yes, I wasn’t alone in having more than one ‘run-in’ with him, but no-one could ever doubt his dogged determination in those early days.

Frank was never bashful about handing out advice and he’d often try to persuade me to delve into the highways and byways of the tools of my trade. I’d like to think I kept my feet firmly on the ground and was far happier knitting on my new punchcard machine than wondering how best to clean decades of oil and rust from something ‘vintage’. We laughed a lot as, back then, Frank had a wicked sense of humour. In one of his To & Fro articles he offered lots of advice about selling things and wrote: “Having successfully sold your machine, you will experience a great rush of adrenalin. You will run around the house dreaming up the wildest selling description for all the old and useless paraphernalia that one acquires over the years. I can just see it now. ‘New home required for husband. Recently retired. Reason for disposal, lack of space. Needs to be seen to be believed. First sensible offer secures.’ Difficult to guarantee a sale though, there’s a lot of them about!” Dearest Jan, how many times must you have felt like placing a similar advert? You’ve looked after him so well and given him such devoted and steadfast support over all these years. I know that you’ll tackle whatever lies ahead day-by-day and take it in your stride, as you’ve done for so many years. We all send you our sincere condolences and hope that the future brings you a happy and well-lit path to walk along. Rest in peace, Frank; our craft will never forget you.

NEXT ISSUE November 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 6th October

On sale Thursday 13th October

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Frank Dineen 1932 – 2022

Anne writes:-

Having spoken with his widow Janet, I’m letting you all know that Frank Dineen has passed away peacefully at the age of 90 years. Frank had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, so Jan has asked me to help her spread the news of his passing to as many of you as possible.

Frank was especially known to us for launching the Guild of Machine Knitters in March 1998. By doing so, he hoped to ensure the preservation and growth of our craft and his initial aims were to:-

1. Increase the awareness of machine knitting as a craft.

2. Provide help and encouragement to all knitters, whatever their level of ability.

3. Encourage and maintain a high standard of craftsmanship.

4. Encourage young people to take up our craft.

5. Foster these aims for individual knitters by awarding certificates of quality.

6. Organise the Guild’s own shows and exhibitions.

7. Liaise with manufacturers and suppliers, to ensure that we all worked together for the greater good of our craft.

8. Foster links between UK knitters and those overseas.

9. Promote greater media awareness.

By doing all these things and more, it was Frank’s hope that we’d strengthen the bonds between clubs, individual knitters, manufacturers and suppliers to the overall benefit of machine knitting. Membership was open to all with an interest in our craft including knitters, designers, suppliers, manufacturers and journalists – all working together for the future of our craft.


For those who would wish to know and attend, here are the details for his funeral.

His service will be held in the afternoon of Friday 2nd September at 1.00 pm at The Oaks Havant Crematorium. It’s on the outskirts of Havant in Bartons Road, just past the entrance to the Spire Portsmouth Hospital. For full details and directions by road, visit www.havantcrematorium.co.uk

For those using public transport, Havant train station is 1.7 miles away.

The funeral directors are The Co-operative Funeralcare at 96 Bedhampton Road, Bedhampton, Havant, Hampshire PO9 3EZ. Their telephone number is 02392-453549.

Jan has requested no flowers please. However, Frank had a lifelong love of birds and animals and an enduring love for greyhounds. Jan has asked that any donations in his memory should please be made to Greyhound Lifeline. For more details, please call The Co-operative Funeralcare on 02392-453549.

Frank’s funeral will mark his passing and if you’d like to attend his service, please join Jan in wearing bright colours as a celebration of his life.

August update

Dear Readers

Last month’s heatwave in the south increased to a ‘fry-up’ this month, as our local temperatures hit 40C degrees. It’s been too hot to even potter in the garden, so spare a thought for me juggling press invitations to view Christmas goodies! It’s part of the joy of having to work so far ahead, but made me bring thoughts of autumn into the magazine.

I love the colours of our cover design and I’m blown away by Alison Dupernex’s Fair Isle cardigan on Page 32. One thing Alison chooses to do for us is cut down, from her original pattern, the amount of colours she uses. You’ll see this clearly comparing the photo of her cardigan on Page 32, then the modification on Page 35. Do head for your stash, pull out any suitable shades and enjoy making your own modifications to the colourway. You’ll have a huge amount of fun and create your own unique garment. When it’s finished, please take a photo to share with us all and that’s what reader Alex Raw has done. He started with a design from September 2009 and made it his own. He’ll be sharing it with us in the magazine soon and I hope it encourages more of you to ‘do your own thing’.

There are many lovely yarns around now and the new cake yarns are our best friend. The shape looks just as if we’ve pulled it from a wool winder. The cake sits behind the machine and the yarn pulls from the centre to thread straight through the tension mast. We also don’t need a pattern! Something plain will do, then add loads of colour and interest to stocking stitch. I promise you won’t be disappointed. I also hope you’ll enjoy this month’s Techniques feature on Page 52. Yes, we can all read a manual but how many of us gallop off at top speed, before falling flat on our faces. Of all the problems machine knitters face, using a cast-off linker comes top of the list, so I hope you’ll be persuaded to have another go.

Finally, I’ve a new book to mention from Crowood Press in their Knitting Techniques series. It’s again for hand knitters, this time breaking down the construction and process of knitting socks. I know many machine knitters want to knit them, but struggle to fully understand what to do. Socks by Rita Taylor (ISBN 978-0-71984-062-3) costs £9.99 and shows us how to knit comfortable, neat and perfectly fitting socks. If, on the other hand, you’d love someone to work it all out for you, head for Beverley Ward’s Etsy shop. Her sock pattern costs £4.80 and the instructions are suitable for all standard gauge knitting machines with a ribber including Silver Reed and Knitmaster, Brother and Toyota. It’s available as an instant download at www.etsy.com/uk/listing/852358165/machine-knitting-sock-pattern

Until next month, knit happy!

NEXT ISSUE October 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 1st September

On sale Thursday 8th September

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July update

Dear Readers

It’s been another busy month, as you’ll know if you tried to call me when we’d to make a quick trip to Scotland. (Is a round trip of over 1000 miles by car ever quick these days?) There wasn’t too much of a problem, just the family support we’re all pleased to have as we get older. Our garden fried in temperatures of 37C, whilst I shivered in 14C degrees with rain pounding down. I was glad of the extra layers I’d taken, along with a cardi or two and it brought back memories (with a wry smile!) of how we change over the years. The evening before we left there was a ‘prom bash’ at the hotel and fortunately the rain held off until all the selfies had been taken. Big party, huge dresses and stretched cars spilling out their squealing passengers. Hours had been spent perfecting hair, make-up, eyelashes and nails. Glasses were overflowing and they were (of course!) the first generation to strut their stuff as teenagers. I giggled, Lafferty fashion, as I watched them. Back then, I’m sure we could all hobble a bit better in our three inch stilettos, but perhaps not?! The next morning all traces of the party were whisked away, as the room was transformed for a wedding. With everyone frantically searching their phone for a positive weather app, we started our trek south.

Back safely at home, I’d two lovely books to read and both have been published by Crowood Press in their Knitting Techniques series. The first is Patchwork Knitting by Fiona Morris (ISBN 978-1-78500-979-2). Fiona guides us through the essential techniques of creating individual units of knitting and joining as you go. The second is Entrelac by Molly Brown (ISBN 978-1-78500-983-9). Molly explains how to produce intriguing knitted pieces with a woven look. Both books are for hand knitters, a handy size (172 x 242 mm) and affordable paperbacks at £9.99.

You might wonder why I’ve mentioned this and the reason is that it’s brought back memories of Beryl Jarvis, who died in August 2016. She wrote about knitting entrelac on a machine and set out to make her Info Sheets affordable information on lots of machine-knitting subjects. It seems the right time to make them available to you all. It was a quite different approach to her teaching series, so I’ll start working on them now. As Anne Croucher says in Dear Anne: “There are so many things we used to do ‘in the old days’ which seem to have been forgotten about, with some more complicated technique now used”. If there’s any topic you’d like explained in simple terms, do please ask and look out for this new series in the not-too-distant future. Until next month, knit happy!

NEXT ISSUE September 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 4th August

On sale Thursday 11th August

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June update

Dear Readers

One way or another there’s been lots going on this month and my first mention has to be the time, effort and energy my friend Irene Krieger is devoting to raising funds to fight a special type of cancer. Each week I speak to many of you, either having to overcome problems of one sort or another or losing your nearest and dearest. As you’ll read on Page 10, Irene’s story is remarkable and if you’ve access to a computer, please visit her website at https://beads4research.com/. I so wish I still had her as a Passap designer, but hugely admire the wonderful work she’s doing for such a worthy cause. To put life and its troubles in perspective, I’ve never forgotten something Irene said years ago: “A brain surgeon looks the same as a labourer when they’re in T-shirt and shorts, lining up for the toilet”. It may make you smile, too, when you’re struggling to get by.

Bill King isn’t a brain surgeon, but he has to be our ‘boy wonder’ this month. No electronics, no patterning devices, just a couple of basic tools… and a steady hand, of course! We’ve included his photos and it somehow brings the knitting to life, in much the same way that Susan Guagliumi shows us how to manipulate stitches. This month Alison Dupernex shares the second of her trio of designs using slip stitch. It’s a much neglected technique but if you’d like to learn and use it more, there’s a substantial section devoted to it in her book Machine Knitting: Designing With Colour. Machine knitting has some real stars and it’s such a joy to share their incredible knowledge in the magazine.

One thing that’s surprised me a little is the struggle many of you have had to understand the diagrams in last month’s Show & Tell. We routinely insert a card in the machine, lock it on Row 1 and release it when we’re ready to knit the pattern. It often doesn’t matter if our knitting isn’t quite in the centre of the machine, but once in a while it’s vital and this is one such time. To help many readers, I’ve written out in words what you have to do to knit last month’s tuck stitch edgings and it’s on Page 13.

Finally, with no fuss and few words, I’m letting you know that a very dear friend, for more years than I can remember, has died. His wife Freda called to tell me that Dennis Wright, champion of circular sock machines, has passed away. He asked me for no fuss in the magazine so, to respect his wishes, I’ll quietly say: “Rest in peace, Dennis, I’ll miss you”. Until next month, let’s hope the sun will have his hat on!

NEXT ISSUE August 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 7th July

On sale Thursday 14th July

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May update

Dear Readers

There’s a good feeling in the air this month, as more clubs go back to meeting in person and one in particular is hosting an exhibition of their work. Elaine Cater told me about the flurry of activity at the West London Knitters: Machine, Hand & Other Textile Crafts. The dates are from 10th June until 8th July and members will be showing off the knitting, crochet and felting they’ve done over the past couple of years. If you live or travel in that part of London, do visit the Open Ealing Art Centre at Unit 14 Dickens Yard, Ealing, London W5 2TD. Elaine will happily pass on details if you email her at info@elainecater.com and all other club details are on Page 58.

Now we’re in British Summer Time, Leicestershire Machine Knitters have restarted their evening meetings and we’ve added Knitting Stitches in Stevenage to our Clubs Directory. The Bath branch of the KCG is holding a Regional Day in June and the KCG Convention will be held from 16th to 18th September. We’ve had news that a scaled-back Shetland Wool Week will be going ahead in person this year, with the intention of delivering it, in full, for 2023. One disappointment for many is that there will be no Woolfest 2022. For the past two years, there have been online events, but the organisers have decided there will not be a Woolfest 2022, either live or online. Much has changed at the Livestock Centre near Cockermouth, so the organisers think the time has come to re-invent, re-design and re-imagine the format. I guess that’s what we’ve all had to do these past two years.

It’s been good to catch up with Pam Wigglesworth, as she’s taken over the Metropolitan Correspondence Courses previously run by Carol Hocknell. The arrangements were made two years ago, but it’s only now we’re all starting to find some sort of ‘new normal’. The good news is that Pam has updated everything, as well as adding more pictures and content and she now offers six courses.

1) Single bed work on every gauge of all Japanese machines.

2) The ribber attachment for every gauge of all Japanese machines.

3) Passap and Pfaff Duo and E6000 machines.

4) All Silver Reed and Knitmaster electronic machines.

5) All Brother electronic machines.

6) DesignaKnit 8 and 9.

The courses have been widely acclaimed by new and experienced knitters alike. They’re available for knitters all over the world and there’s no pressure, with two years to complete a course. Pam will send you full details of all the courses if you email her at pamwigg1489@gmail.com

Let’s now look forward to Sally-Ann’s ‘flaming June’ and knit happy.

NEXT ISSUE July 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 2nd June

On sale Thursday 9th June

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April update

Dear Readers

Lots of things seem to have happened this month, so let me start by passing on a new email address for Nina Miklin. She’s had to change it very quickly to nina.a.miklin@gmail.com If you’ve tried to get in touch with Nina in the past month or so, please make contact with her again especially if you wanted to take up her recent yarn offer. Full details are on Page 18 of the April magazine and the offer remains open until 30th April, or while stocks last. There are savings of almost £20, but you won’t get through to her unless you use her new email address or visit www.exclusiveyarns.co.uk

I need to let you know that almost all the Forsell yarn, on special reader offer at Silver Viscount, has now been sold. There may be an odd cone or two tucked away, so it’s worth calling Jackie on 01933-311888 just to double check. In its place, Silver Viscount will now stock three qualities of Yeoman Yarns. There are 16 shades of Sari 3-ply, 20 shades of DK Cotton and 29 shades of 4-ply Soft Cotton all on 400g cones. For more details about the yarn, call Jackie or ring Yeoman Yarns direct on 0116-240 4464. To see how to knit and use Yeoman Yarns on Silver Reed machines, @yeomanyarns is the place to go.

Do please read about the Machine Knit Community on Page 11. It’s an exceptional online space for machine knitters of all abilities, helping us to get the most from our machines. Nic Corrigan is a designer with a studio in West Yorkshire. She offers step-by-step classes, modern designer-level knitting patterns and an online support network. You’ll find her at www.machineknit.community and it’s a place to meet and be inspired by other machine knitters from all over the world. I’m sure we’ll hear more from Nic in the coming months.

I’ve had a number of calls from readers singing the praises of Tools With A Mission. TWAM is a Christian charity that collects unwanted tools and equipment including knitting machines, sewing machines, accessories and yarn. Items are refurbished and sorted into kits for Sub-Saharan Africa, where TWAM works closely with local grassroots organisations. To get someone started, a knitting machine kit includes a machine, yarn, patterns, all useful items and accessories. Similarly, sewing machine kits include a machine plus cottons, needles, zips, buttons and haberdashery. There’s a constant need for tools from gardens, garages and workshops plus computers and IT equipment. Visit the website at www.twam.uk to see what’s needed, find a volunteer collector or refurbishment centre. The head office is at 2 Bailey Close, Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 0UD. They’re open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, but you must ring first. Their number is 01473-210220 or email post@twam.uk Instead of a trip to the tip, make TWAM your first port of call and help others to help themselves. Until next month, knit happy!

NEXT ISSUE June 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 5th May

On sale Thursday 12th May

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March update

Dear Readers

One thing has gladdened my heart this month, so please read Clubline on Page 10. There’s a young boy in Prestonpans, not far from Edinburgh, Leith and Musselburgh who is passionate about learning to machine knit. One slight problem is that his learning curve has started on a somewhat elderly Passap Duo 80. Do you, or does anyone you know, live in the area and knit on one of these machines? I’d love to find an experienced knitter within reasonable travelling distance to help him. I’ve spoken to his father at length and we’ve tried all the usual lines of enquiry, but drawn a blank. I’m hopeful, therefore, that my letter will reach a wider audience.

I’ve also wondered if someone in the area might have a punchcard machine that’s no longer used, to get him a bit more up-to-date? We may grind to a halt with the Duo 80, but could we help to satisfy some of his passion for our craft by donating an unwanted Brother or Knitmaster punchcard machine and showing him how to use it? Obviously a weekly commute from Land’s End to Prestonpans is out of the question, but could one of you living not too far away offer any help, please? His family has a farming background, so pure wool is his yarn of choice. Have you any cones of wool you could give him to try? It’s rare to find such enthusiasm in one so young and I’d like to do all I can to help. One day he’ll perhaps become a famous knitwear designer and we’ll all be so proud of helping him onto the first rung of the ladder. If you think you can help or have any other ideas, do please get in touch with me.

I’d now like to mention the group of textile artists based in the East Midlands and known as The Living Threads Group. Their 20th exhibition is to take place just before Easter at Trent College in Derby Road, Long Eaton. For inspiration in fabric and thread, it would make a lovely day out. The dates are 30th March to 8th April and the venue is the Obolensky Building at Trent College, Derby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4AD. Opening times are 10.00 am to 4.00 pm and admission is £5. There are daily demonstrations, free parking, a Textile Artists’ shop and refreshments. Find out more at www.livingthreadstextileartists.com

This month we’ve reached another milestone, as we celebrate our 36th birthday. Whilst I can take some of the credit, we’re still going strong because of your fantastic support. Despite two years of lockdowns and a worldwide pandemic, we’ve kept our craft going so please accept my very sincere thanks. It’s now time to turn to Page 30 and immerse yourself in this month’s wonderful selection of joyous colours and patterns brought to us by Alison Dupernex. With Spring on the way, it really is time to knit happy!


Subscription copies sent out Thursday 7th April

On sale Thursday 14th April

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February 2022 update

Dear Readers

Wherever we live, keeping snug and warm is the order of the day at this time of the year and I’ve been glad of a few extra layers. My chunky knits have served me well, but they’ve seen better days and I need something new in my wardrobe. We’ve a couple of really nice designs this month and the man’s sweater on Page 22 is gorgeous. I’d have to hand tool some garter stitch for the woman’s sweater on Page 16, or perhaps cheat? In all my years, I’ve never known a machine knitter follow any pattern to the letter and I’m no different! I’m very tempted, but I know I need a quick and easy alternative, so I’ll see what it looks like with the needles arranged for a 3×1 mock rib. The colour variations in the yarn are lovely, so my even faster option might be to simply knit it in stocking stitch and use the purl side as the right side. There’s a very good size range but if you need a bit of extra ease anywhere, don’t forget you can take the tension up a bit and then gradually reduce it for the main part.

Some news has come in that’s too late for the main magazine, so let me tell you Liz Holness has been in touch to say Fleet Knitting Club is to start meeting again, but at a new venue. It’s a larger and more airy room, so there’s plenty of space for social distancing. It’s been two years since the group last met, so they’re looking forward to getting together again from 1st February. The new venue is Fleet Methodist Church at 72 Reading Road South, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 7TF. Meetings are on the first Tuesday evening of each month, from 8.00 to 10.00 pm and everyone is welcome. If you’d like more details, call Liz on 01252-676276, email liz.holness@ntlworld.com or visit www.fleetknittingclub.blogspot.com

One thing not to miss is The Wool Cabin’s update on Page 28. King Cole Opium, in plain colours and the stunning Palette multi shades, is on sale this month at just £3.50 a 100g ball. The RRP is £4.99, so it’s a huge saving and it slides through mid-gauge and chunky machines. The cover design on last December’s magazine only needs six balls for the largest finished size of 112.5 cm, 44½ in. With free local delivery and mail order, I guess the offer is while stocks last so call Jason on 07553-847483 for availability.

Next month will be our 36th birthday magazine and despite two years of lockdowns and a worldwide pandemic, we’ve kept our craft going. It’s a huge achievement, for which we should all be immensely proud so until then, knit happy, Anne

NEXT ISSUEApril 2022

Subscription copies sent out Thursday 3rd March

On sale Thursday 10th March

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