Dear Anne
I’ve just read in an old magazine the method of using the cut and sew neckline for Passap machines. When I was studying for my City & Guilds Certificate, I was shown a method for Japanese machines that doesn’t involve putting the garment on the bed of the machine. I think it was Carol Hocknell who showed us, but I can’t be sure so I apologise in advance if I’ve made a mistake. I’ve attached the method and you’ve probably seen it before but if not, perhaps you could use it in the magazine? Thank you for a great read every month and you must be tired of hearing it, but please keep the good work going if you can. King regards, Joan in Northampton
Join one shoulder, cut and sew the neck, find out how many stitches are needed for the rib and knit as follows.
1. Start rib on MT-2 or MT-3.
2. Knit first row and hang ribber comb.
3. Don’t knit any circular rows, as this makes it much easier to pick up these stitches.
4. Knit as many rows for the rib as you normally do, decreasing the tension and increasing again as you wish.
5. Transfer stitches to main bed, take off machine on waste yarn leaving a long thread of rib yarn for casting off.
6. With right side facing hang neckline on needles, pulling it behind latches.
7. Pick up last of row of rib before waste yarn, but not taking stitches behind latches.
8. You now have to pull these stitches through the cut and sew neck, so make sure all latches are closed and use a long tool. I use my ribber comb and pull the stitches through the neckline all in one go.
9. Pick up the cast on row of rib, ‘sandwiching’ the cut and sew between. There are now two stitches on every needle, so cast off behind the sinker posts using the long thread.
10. Join remaining shoulder and mattress stitch the neck seam.