Sponge bar

The silly thing is when I took the old one out the hard part was on top and the sponge underneath. But the sponge part had all the needle marking on it, so should I put the new one in the same way with the hard bit on top. The other problem is that I thought the sponge bar would solve is that when I put my needles to the D position they all raise up at the back and I can’t knit with them like it. Any suggestions?

The retaining bar goes in with the sponge facing down on top of the needles to hold them flat to the needle bed.
Hope this helps
Andee Knits
2009-08-13 14:33:04
Yes you are correct the sponge bar should be metal up and sponge down. You are probably having the problem of the needles rising at the back because you have not held the needles down when putting the sponge bar in. I usually use a small rule and gradually push the sponge bar along pressing down on the needles at the same time. I hope this solves your problem. Kind regards. Linda
Linda Collins
2009-08-13 14:33:04
Hi this may sound silly too but are you putting the sponge bar under the needles or on top. I ask as you seem surprised that the needle markings are on the sponge they should be as the sponge bar goes over the top of them. You need to press them down with one hand passing the sponge bar through the gap and on top of the needles. As you go along you need to keep pressing the needles down or the bar will not go any further unless they are. This may be the reason that they are essentially trying to come out when you put them in D. Not sure if this is the solution to your problem but hope it helps.
Best wishes
2009-08-13 14:33:04
The retaining bar goes in with the sponge facing down on top of the needles to hold them flat to the needle bed.
Hope this helps
Andee Knits
2009-08-13 14:33:04
Yes you are correct the sponge bar should be metal up and sponge down. You are probably having the problem of the needles rising at the back because you have not held the needles down when putting the sponge bar in. I usually use a small rule and gradually push the sponge bar along pressing down on the needles at the same time. I hope this solves your problem. Kind regards. Linda
Linda Collins
2009-08-13 14:33:04
Hi this may sound silly too but are you putting the sponge bar under the needles or on top. I ask as you seem surprised that the needle markings are on the sponge they should be as the sponge bar goes over the top of them. You need to press them down with one hand passing the sponge bar through the gap and on top of the needles. As you go along you need to keep pressing the needles down or the bar will not go any further unless they are. This may be the reason that they are essentially trying to come out when you put them in D. Not sure if this is the solution to your problem but hope it helps.
Best wishes
2009-08-13 14:33:04