Specifically, a Toyota 901 sponge bar – can anyone help please?
Have you tried BSK?
They have an Ebay shop and used to stock Toyota spares at one time.
Knitmaster sponge bars are the same width as the one from the Toyota 901 so you could try using one of those instead.
Don’t buy one for a Brother machine as they are too wide.
We usually buy ours at Knitting Machine shows – they are usually cheaper at the shows and it saves on postage costs.
2009-06-04 10:38:19
I bought a knitmaster Sponge bar at the nottingham show and it fits perfectly thankyou to all for the help given I just need to find the time to do the knitting now I find that the toyota 901 knits beautifully especially the lace (I have always ben a jones knitter )I was given this machine including the intarsia and lace carriages and the only piece of equipment that I am having trouble with now is the knit tracer(equivalant to the jones knit leader) I have looked inside but cannot see why it won’t work I have been a knitter for nearly 30 years so will sort it out somehow. Celia
2011-01-02 18:13:59
Please contact either Heathercraft Metropolitan Undy Yarncrafts or Uppingham Yarns because all of them can supply a sponge bar to fit your Toyota machine. They all welcome personal shoppers or offer mail order. Don’t forget to mention the make and model number when ordering.