I think your filing system might be somewhat better than mine so I wonder if you could help. Thanks and best wishes Phil Jackson
Here are a couple of patterns to knit with any 4-ply oddments, Phil.
Version 1
Push 39 Ns at centre of machine to WP with extra N at right. Using MY, cast on by hand. Set RC at 000. Using MT, K 50 rows. Dec 1 st at each end of every 10th row until 29 sts rem. RC shows 100.
* Shape heel ** Set carriage to hold. Push 1 N at carriage end to HP on next 16 rows. Push 1 inside N at opposite end to carriage from HP to UWP on next 16 rows **.
Sole K 60 rows. Adjust length at this stage, if required.
Shape toe Work as given for heel from ** to **.
Instep K 60 rows. Adjust length at this stage, if required. Place marker at each end *. K 100 rows. Push Ns to UWP. Lay yarn over Ns and K by hand taking Ns down to NWP, then cast off with a latch tool or work a loose cast off.
Version 2
Push 38 Ns at centre of machine to WP. Push every 3rd N back to NWP. Using MY, cast on by hand. Set RC at 000. Using MT, K 1 row. Using MT-1, K 39 rows. Push empty Ns from NWP to WP. Make a hem by placing loops from cast on edge evenly along the row. Inc 1 st at right edge. 39 sts. Set RC at 000. Using MT, K 10 rows. Dec 1 st at each end of every 10th row until 29 sts rem. RC shows 60. Work as for Version 1 from * to *. K 60 rows. Transfer every 3rd st on to adjacent N. Push empty Ns to NWP. Push Ns from WP to UWP. Weave in nylon cord, under and over Ns as a marker. Using MT-1, K 40 rows. Push empty Ns from NWP to WP. Make a hem by placing loops of marked row evenly along the row. Using MT+3, K 1 row. Push Ns to UWP. Lay yarn over Ns and K by hand taking Ns down to NWP, then cast off with a latch tool or work a loose cast off.
Making up Join foot and side seams, matching markers to sides of heel.