We also held our AGM in March. Following a very successful advertising campaign we recruited six new members and we’re still receiving enquiries from other interested people. We’ve had several visiting speakers who’ve enriched our knowledge and experiences as well as generating much enthusiasm and confidence to try new techniques. Some members have made cardigans and blankets for the prem baby unit and bed socks, shawls and blankets for the elderly patients at The Royal United Hospital in Bath. Members also made vests for the ‘Fish and Chip’ babies in Africa. At the last count we’d over 50 vests with still more coming in. We’d some very interesting and informative ‘show and tell’ sessions. Members admired some lovely examples of work and we shared lots of tips, techniques and ideas.
We’d a lovely Christmas party and a good response to the Christmas theme competition. It was won by Sue Moore, who’d knitted a Christmas cake and finished it beautifully. We also agreed the programme for our coming year.
9th June Colour selection and co-ordination.
14th July Show and tell.
11th August Using the colour changer plus cut and sew Fair Isle.
8th September Show and tell.
12th October Crochet techniques and edgings.
10th November Intarsia.
8th December Show and tell, then preparing for the Christmas challenge!
12th January Christmas party and group competition judging.
9th February Scarves and gloves.
I’d like to pass on my grateful thanks to everyone for everything they’ve done to make this year such a success, but single out Bob Milsom, husband of club member Gill Milsom. Bob has kindly produced, without charge, a beautifully illustrated programme leaflet for the club along with a lovely information leaflet which he’s laminated for local advertising and distribution. After three month’s absence due to illness, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again and hope to have completed a delayed Christmas present for my husband to show them! Many thanks for all your hard work, Anne and we look forward to receiving the next edition of MKM. Best wishes, Pat Hames
Members of Keynsham MKC meet on the second Monday of the month at Sterling Way Community Centre in Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1DF from 2.00 to 4.00 pm. For more details please contact Margaret Marsh (Chair) on 0117-986 5559 or Pat Hames (Secretary) on 01454-322553.