We’ve heard this morning that Rachel Brooks is hosting a Machine-knitters’ knit-together – informal, non-commercial, social knit-along and skill-swap for Machine Knitters of any level – or those who’d like to learn.
Most participants stay for the weekend, which makes it very friendly. But if you are only able to come for one of the days or live locally and don’t want to stay over, that’s fine too. We held the first one in this venue in June/July, and hope and expect the second one to be just as good! It started in the main MK group on Ravelry, but is open to all. You must book your place ahead.
WHEN? Saturday, October 6th (10 Am – 8 PM) – Sunday October 7th (10 AM – 4 PM)
WHERE? Fladbury Village Hall, Worcestershire, WR10 2QB. Participants arrange their own accommodation, eg in one of the two village pubs.
NEAREST STATION: Evesham (4 miles) also Pershore.
PARKING: There are 12 parking places by the hall.
WHO? Primarily/originally Ravellers of any level of experience, with or without their machines. And if you have a friend who would like to come, that’s good too. Advance booking essential – we need to know numbers.
HOW MANY? That depends! Minimum about 5, maximum about 20-25, I reckon.
COST we will share the hall hire cost between us and expect it to be £10-£20 each, depending on numbers.
For more details or to book, please contact Rachel on brooks.rachel@gmail.com.