Looking for Unwanted, Unloved Knitting Machines

I LOVE machine knitting and want to be able to pass on the craft to others SO I am looking for all those unwanted & unloved machines hiding under beds or in lofts. I promise to give them a new life and get lots of people machine knitting. Personally, I own a Brother 940, with its ribber, garter carriage and motor drive. I use Designer Knit to create designs and stitch patterns. If I can only get one other machine it will be a start as it is so much easier to learn if one can copy the teacher’s movements.

I look forward to hearing from you
Jane Parker

We are looking for our first knitting machine to make up ww2 patterns = fine wool…any suggestions?

mother and daughter…

2009-03-11 13:30:04
Sometimes you can get knitting machines on ebay or in charity shops. My friend got one for £2.50 reduced from £5! You could be lucky. Also try the recycle site – they have them as well but beware they could be in a bit of a mess.
Best wishes.
Morag Walker
2009-03-05 22:50:18
It could be that anyone not using their machine will not receive the magazine. I wonder therefore have you tried Freecycle? This is an internet site which was set up to give away/request items which are no longer used in order to recycle items instead of them going to landfill. Each area has it’s own site and you can join as many as you like – but beware the more you join the more wanted/received posts you will receive daily.
On my local site a member offered a knitting machine which I did not need but I did contact them to see if they had a knitting machine table spare and I was lucky.
Lynne F
2009-02-24 18:53:46
I have two knitting machines under my bed you are welcome to. Please contact me if you are interested.
Glenys Taylor
2009-03-04 18:34:23

can you help me?

The designs i am working on are fairly simple punchcard designs in a kind of 80’s / graphic design, the jumpers themselves are men’s long jumper and cardigan style. I can send fully recognised patterns and drawing to you if you can help. Please let me know if you know of anyone or anywhere which is worth trying. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much. my email address is serencolley@googlemail.com

Glad to help if I can I have sent you an email.
2009-02-17 17:54:06

Into The Sidings

I’ve just finished knitting a sideways sweater and I must say that it’s very comfortable to wear. I’ve tried to find a machine-knitting pattern for a sideways knitted cardigan but as yet I’ve had no luck. Could you look into your archives to try and locate one and if possible would you be able to print the pattern in one of your future issues?

I was so disappointed not to be able to attend MK LIVE! this year as I’m sure that I must have missed some new exciting goodies that I’d have been happy to purchase. Perhaps I’ll have better luck next year but usually I can’t do an October show as I’m away on holiday. I noticed that in one of your back numbers you had a pattern for a ladies shrug. I wonder if you would be able to print the pattern in one of your future issues?

I’m gradually getting back in the swing of using my knitting machines (Brother 890 and Brother 260 both with ribbers) but I can’t seem to be able to master using the ‘holding technique’ instead of the traditional cast off method. To the accomplished knitter, this is surely a very easy method and I think my problem may be due to ‘senior moments’, which we older people sometimes have – well I do! Would you please print the way of using the method in one of your helpful articles?

I also wonder if you could have a page dedicated to hints and tips from other readers which would, I assume, cover many problems which others returning to machine knitting would find very helpful. I really do look forward to my issue of your magazine each month, as it is a good mix of patterns. Keep up the good work and long life to your magazine!

Many thanks from June Wisdom

Alaska Cruise

To–Fro.jpgShe will be sending you some photos I expect when they get back. So thank you for putting us in touch, she very kindly brought me some patterns. I know that you are encouraging younger people to machine knit and using some of the chunky knitting now so popular to encourage them into taking the magazine. I was looking through some old To & Fro copies I was given and wondered if it would be a good idea to re-publish the jacket on the front of the Nov 1991 – January 92, Vol 14, No. 3 issue?

The pattern is on page 28 and it’s by Raymonde Chessum. It’s knitted in pieces, which makes it ideal for chunky machines that have a very small number of needles. Perhaps you could suggest more modern yarns that could be used? It looks like a fun jacket, as it all makes chevrons when you put it all together.

Best wishes Anne and I hope you are not working too hard
Barbara Tulip in Canada

Wedded Bliss

You may wonder why I am telling you this and it’s because Barbara Tulip lives in Vancouver and we’re hoping to meet up. Should our plans come to fruition, I will take some photos and send them to you on my return and hopefully you’ll be able to print them in a forthcoming edition. Barbara and I have had a few e-mails since you put us in touch and neither of us could believe it when we found out about the ‘Vancouver’ connection. Watch this space for my return!

With all good wishes from Fran Davidson


I have been looking for a suitable hat pattern for my three granddaughters for the past couple of months without much success. You can imagine my delight when I opened my November issue of MKM and found the article by Helen Macleod about her grandson’s hat. I immediately sorted out some suitable yarn and tried out the pattern. It is perfect. I will certainly be putting her new book on my Christmas list. I look forward to receiving MKM each month and keep all my copies, reading them many time over. Once again, many thanks for the hours of reading pleasure you provide.

Keep up the good work and kindest regards
Shirley Marsden in Doncaster