I went to the show with two friends and we all enjoyed the visit and made a variety of purchases. We look forward to next year. Best wishes from Audrey Turner, West Bridgford, Nottingham
North Ronaldsay sheep live on the beaches of the Orkney island which gave them their name. They live on the sea weed blown on to the rocky shores and sandy beaches, as they’ve done since the Iron Age. Audrey told me that when she’d bought the yarn, there was a tiny piece of knitting inside the cone with a note to say the yarn had been scoured once. When finished, the shawl wasn’t as white as she would have wished, so she looked more into scouring.
Scouring is an essential process in the preparation of wool and removes grease, sheep’s dried perspiration, sand and dirt. Audrey’s yarn had been soured once, but she decided to do it a second time to hopefully remove some of the yellowness of the finished shawl. She took some Lux flakes and a bowl of seriously hand hot water and washed the shawl thoroughly but carefully – felting springs to mind! She then rinsed it in two or three lots of water, until the water was clear, then blocked out the shawl and left it to dry. You can see the splendid results in the picture on page 15 of the June issue and thanks for passing this on Audrey.
Sorry to hear you’re having problems. Needles in UWP (upper working position) are brought forward from WP (working position) so that the open latches are level with the sinker posts. When you knit a pattern in two colours it’s the needles in UWP which knit the second colour.
Needles in HP (holding position) are brought forward as far as possible. To increase several stitches bring forward the required number of needles at the same side as the carriage. Now pull a loop of yarn down under these needles and starting at the needle nearest to the knitting wrap the yarn fairly loosely and evenly round each needle. When you’ve wrapped them all give a tug on the yarn behind the tension unit to prevent a loop forming as you knit the stitches. Knit one row carefully and the new stitches should form properly. If you bring these needles to HP for the next few rows the stitches on them will knit off cleanly. You can then hang a weight under them and continue knitting.
Hope this helps. Sue.