Dear Readers
It’s been a happy month, with a steady flow of news that clubs are starting face-to-face meetings again. There are lots of changes in Clubline and our Clubs Directory and I’ll include full details next time that Middlesex Machine Knitters has a new name and new venue. Members used to meet in Hounslow, then kept in touch via Zoom when Covid-19 appeared. They were planning to go back in September, but had a problem with the venue so have found somewhere new in Ealing, West London. This has needed a name change as well. They now call themselves West London Knitters: Machine, Hand & Other Textile Crafts. They’re meeting at the Open Ealing Art Centre at Unit 14 Dickens Yard, School Lane, London W5 2TD. It’s easy to get to by public transport and there’s a car park nearby. Meeting times have also changed to the second Friday of the month, from 1.30 to 3.30 pm. For the most up-to-date details, contact Elaine Cater at info@elainecater.com or call 01305-852255.
Similar news came from Janet Shuttleworth in Christchurch. You may remember me telling you that Carbery Machine Knitting Club had closed and I was especially sad, after a long association with the club and its support for the Bournemouth show. Their new name is Dorset & Hampshire Coastal Machine Knitting Club and members will meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. The new venue is St Catherine’s Hall at 17 Marlow Drive, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2RR. For up-to-date details, email Janet at jan.knitting@outlook.com
Lots of clubs have enjoyed Zoom, but you’ve all told me that seeing each other in the flesh is wonderful. There’s no hugging (of course!) but meeting in person feels as if things are returning to a new ‘normal’. I’ll include full details for Ealing and Christchurch in Clubline next month, along with updating our Clubs Directory. There are also some gorgeous samples from Ealing. In the meantime, do contact Elaine or Janet direct for their latest news.
Next month, the magazine goes out to subscribers on 4th November and it will be time to mention that the ‘annual event’ in December will be just seven weeks away. I’ve promised many of you that I’ll include a selection of your most popular requests. However, if it’s one time of the year that passes you by, you’ll be spellbound reading the remarkable story of a restored circular knitting machine and its owner, who lived in Essex and achieved financial miracles using it. Karin Rogalski has been knitting for us once more and we’ve an Alison Dupernex design. Do join me again next month and, until then, knit happy!
December 2021
Subscription copies sent out Thursday 4th November
On sale Thursday 11th November
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