Dear Readers
Many of you will know that I’ve been friends with Hilary at Busy Bee for most of the time she ran the business with her mum, Barbara. Life has dealt Hilary and her family more than its fair share of knocks and we’ve seen our children grow up together. You can imagine, therefore, Hilary sharing her joy with me that Laura is now married to Liam. Laura looked amazing, the sun shone and everyone shared their joy. The last dance was The Proclaimers ‘500 miles’, by which time Laura was in flip flops and they danced their hearts out. All through the day guests turned up, everyone got on and the happiness was just infectious. They had two wedding cakes – a stack of pork pies and a mountain of cheese, to get the party going! I’ve included some photos in Dear Anne this month and it’s so good to share this special time in their lives. As Hilary said: “We’re the proudest parents ever”. The photos were taken by ER Photography and you’ll find them at www.erphotography.co.uk
I’m now going to pass on the sad news, for anyone interested, that we may lose the Guild of Machine Knitters in the very near future. To give you the facts, I’ll reproduce here part of the letter from Chairman Liz Holness which was published in the November 2018 issue of the Guild Newsletter and she writes:
“I was reading a magazine recently (Third Age Matters) and a headline jumped out at me. It said: “Our capital is our volunteers” and that equally applies to the Guild. It doesn’t matter how much money we have in the bank, if there are no volunteers we are nothing. So, here we are again, one year on and probably in a worse position than this time last year. The lack of volunteers to help us by doing anything at all is still causing problems and in six short months we’ll not have a Chairman, Vice Chairman or Treasurer. The Secretary and Membership Secretary simply can’t manage on their own. Through lack of volunteers we’ve already withdrawn from all exhibitions with effect from the end of October and we haven’t been able to implement many of the changes we’d planned. It’s so sad and disappointing that all the efforts of members over the last 20 years are being allowed to fall by the wayside and the Guild to just fade away. We always assumed that there would be others following in our footsteps and taking up the mantle, but it’s just not happening.
“When I took over as Chairman in 2010, I never dreamt that we would be in this position and I never thought I would have to write such a negative and gloomy message to you all. Please think seriously about the future of the Guild and let us know what you think we should do, because one thing is certain… we can’t go on as we are! One thing is fairly obvious. If we don’t hear from any of you, we’ll sadly need to turn our attention to what needs to be done to close down the Guild”.
If you can help in any way, do please call me and between us, we may be able to offer the Guild a lifeline. So, with much ahead of us, all that remains is to wish you a very happy New Year, which is filled with good health and contentment throughout 2019. Until next time, my compliments of the season to you all.
February 2019
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