Friday 2nd March After speaking with all the exhibitors, the school and friends in Bournemouth, I’ve decided to cancel the show. Some exhibitors had already set off, as some roads are clear. However, safety must come first and the dreadful weather across much of the country means we must all stay safe. Please spread the word as best you can and I’m truly sorry this year’s event can’t go ahead.
Ann Croucher posted at 11.00 am this morning (Friday) in her Facebook Group The Bournemouth show is cancelled. We had storm Emma come in last night and there is ice everywhere. It might all melt by tomorrow, but there are trees down, crashed and abandoned vehicles and it would be very dangerous for the exhibitors to travel today to set up in time for tomorrow – though some had set off early this morning to try to reach us. Apparently the Dunkirk spirit is still going strong. Please contact anyone you know might have been intending to travel to the show, just to be sure that the news is passed around asap.
Thursday 1st March (The first day of Spring!) We spoke to the school this morning and everything is ticking over as usual. The roads in and out are okay and the forecast for Saturday is five degrees, chilly with a thick cloud cover and a little rain in the afternoon, so we’re still optimistic. We haven’t had an update from the area about the progress of Storm Emma, but we’re keeping a close watch.
Anne Croucher posted at 11.23 am on Wednesday in her Facebook Group “If you are coming to the Machine knitting LIVE! do in Bournemouth this Saturday and are worried about the snow, there isn’t any around here. It is too warm for it I think – the year the country looked like an iced biscuit when viewed by satellite, we were the bit at the edge which had been missed. The road to the school is a main thoroughfare anyway, and close to the hospital. so it would be amongst the first roads to be treated if there is ice, but that is a rarity too. The ground is simply too warm here.”
Wednesday 28th February At 11.00 am we’ve just spoken to friends in Bournemouth. There’s no snow and any frost there may have been overnight is gone. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. It’s cold, but there’s no frost to be seen on roof tops and the roads are running smoothly.
The ‘beast from the east’ has definitely blown in and the weather has disrupted travel in some parts of the country. At present our Bournemouth Show will go ahead this Saturday and we’ll keep the website updated for your reassurance.
Thanks for the update Anne, we so want to come to the wonderful show but are watching the forecast with trepidation! Fingers crossed
I am currently keeping everything crossed that the Red weather warnings around the country are lifted before Saturday so that all the exhibitors can make it to the show. The Beast from the East is due to hit me here in Somerset this afternoon and we are all being advised to be warm and indoors by 12pm before it hits! Hueemonster the Van is loaded to the hilt with Yarn, Spares and Books and we really hope to see everyone on Saturday as planned!
There is snow here now – the wind has changed and is from the South West and is warmer, but only relative to what it was when from the North East.
There is not actually much snow on the ground, but of course people who were expecting to travel any distance tomorrow have much greater problems.
Hi sincere apologies to Anne and everyone but knitsnbits will not be at Bournemouth due to adverse weather conditions, I feel that it is silly to drive through a blizzard when all the weather warnings are to stay at home unless you HAVE to go out and I really don’t want to risk getting stranded in the vehicle. Hope to see you at Nottingham next month and wish you all well for Saturday.