Are you an AOL user?

The captcha box is used on any page where you upload content to the site. It shows a word that you have to enter in order for the form to submit properly, and is used to prevent spam.

However, AOL users will have found that they were unable to enter the word correctly. This is because the first time that an AOL user visits a page, AOL will store a copy of that page on its server. Then, when the AOL user goes back to see that page, instead of showing them a page from the site, AOL shows them the one stored in its memory instead. It does this to save money, and unfortunately it causes problems on pages where certain bits of content change (such as the captcha box).

So, until Matt can find a way of getting round this problem, we’ve removed the captcha box from the site.

I’m sorry for the trouble it’s caused you, and thank you for letting us know about the problem – we’re ‘on the case’, so to speak!

Best wishes

i have found your web site for the first time but as thise is a new pc i am having trouble so will be back i have your magasine sent to me every month best wishes eileen barratt
eileen barratt
2009-03-21 18:47:30

Mylar Sheets for Brother 950i

Can anyone help?

Thank you.

You can use Silver Reed Mylar sheets which are still available on a Brother machine with a few adjustments such as the starting line. If you compare an old Brother sheet with a Silver Reed one you will see what needs doing.
Jo Newton
2009-03-16 11:53:52
You can with a little adjustment use Silver Reed Mylar sheets. If you compare them to an old Brother one you can see where the starting line needs putting etc.
Jo Newton
2009-03-16 11:53:52
I know your query was some while ago but I got a new and a used sheet from Heathercraft. Ordered yesterday delivered today. Fantastic service…
2010-02-13 16:13:34
Ooops just realised its a different m/c to mine (KL116) apologies but do try Heathercraft anyway
2010-02-13 16:13:34

How was your New Year?

The exhibitor list is looking good and new additions this month are Carl Boyd coming along with his new patterns and Jane Woodward back in her usual classroom. As we’ve mentioned, Carl is working on a new collection and you may also remember that Jane was on holiday last year and couldn’t make it. She’s back this year with Wendy’s help and the sleeved wrap featured on page 35 is the first of Wendy’s designs for MKM. It’s been much admired, so we snapped it up for the magazine. You can belt it, button it, pin in or let it drape into soft folds and points. It’s a very flattering shape to cover all manner of ‘lumps and bumps’ and the length takes it well past any ‘thunder thighs’!

When I went to the Isle of Wight last autumn, I spent a lovely morning with the Newchurch Knitters. Jan’s coffee and cake went down a treat and Linda showed me lots of her designs. Amongst the goodies was a pile of Tan-o’-shanter hats, which she makes by the dozen for young and old alike. The pattern is ever so easy and you can add a brim or pon-pon if you wish. Best of all, they can be knitted from any oddments and take next-to-no-time. The base of the hat needs to be picked up on a circular needle for eight rows of garter stitch but you can vary the number of stitches you pick up, to fit different head sizes. It’s a fabulous pattern I’m sure you’ll want to cut out and keep.

As the days get longer, spring will soon be here and the cover girl on our latest issue (February 2009) wears a lovely jacket from Anne Baker knitted in Charlotte, from Chris Brennan. It’s very soft yet holds its shape beautifully and, when knitted in Fair Isle, makes a gorgeous warm garment. You can use Anne’s stitch pattern, or chose one of the hundreds you must have stored away. If haven’t used Charlotte before, raid Chris’ stand at Machine Knitting LIVE! (Sorry, he doesn’t do mail order.) At his knock down prices, every cone will be a bargain!

How was your Christmas and New Year break, and what are your plans for the New Year? Let me know by leaving a comment!

All the best

Antarsia patterns, anyone?


If you mean intarsia patterns (picture knitting) then Jo Newton has a great selection. She’ll even work on special requests if you need something a bit out of the ordinary. Try her website at or e-mail her at

2009-02-26 11:16:23
I have a load of 2nd hand ones if their of any interest to you by Gary Kennedy. Drop me a line via ebay – hgvpilot if I can help.
2009-04-07 09:13:12


I have recently purchased my first knitting machine so that I can make 4 ply garments for my grandchildren. In the past I have done a lot of hand knitting, usually in DK, and have had access to a wide range of lovely patterned and random dyed wools. Now that I’ve started machine knitting I find that the choice of 4 ply wools is rather drab – the only random dyed wools I can find on the internet tend to be sold in 100g packs for socks, usually 100% wool and VERY expensive.
Can anyone suggest where I can purchase colourful 4 ply wool?

I run an internet business and I have some brand new 4 ply in in lots of fun colours at the mo.

Please feel free to contact me via ebay hgvpilot site address

2009-03-02 13:26:34
Hi, I recently bought some 4 ply yarn
from the Silver Reed website. They are selling a few nice cones of yarn at half price, some for as little has £2.00 for 400 gms.
Hope this helps
2009-04-17 21:24:57

Looking for Unwanted, Unloved Knitting Machines

I LOVE machine knitting and want to be able to pass on the craft to others SO I am looking for all those unwanted & unloved machines hiding under beds or in lofts. I promise to give them a new life and get lots of people machine knitting. Personally, I own a Brother 940, with its ribber, garter carriage and motor drive. I use Designer Knit to create designs and stitch patterns. If I can only get one other machine it will be a start as it is so much easier to learn if one can copy the teacher’s movements.

I look forward to hearing from you
Jane Parker

We are looking for our first knitting machine to make up ww2 patterns = fine wool…any suggestions?

mother and daughter…

2009-03-11 13:30:04
Sometimes you can get knitting machines on ebay or in charity shops. My friend got one for £2.50 reduced from £5! You could be lucky. Also try the recycle site – they have them as well but beware they could be in a bit of a mess.
Best wishes.
Morag Walker
2009-03-05 22:50:18
It could be that anyone not using their machine will not receive the magazine. I wonder therefore have you tried Freecycle? This is an internet site which was set up to give away/request items which are no longer used in order to recycle items instead of them going to landfill. Each area has it’s own site and you can join as many as you like – but beware the more you join the more wanted/received posts you will receive daily.
On my local site a member offered a knitting machine which I did not need but I did contact them to see if they had a knitting machine table spare and I was lucky.
Lynne F
2009-02-24 18:53:46
I have two knitting machines under my bed you are welcome to. Please contact me if you are interested.
Glenys Taylor
2009-03-04 18:34:23

can you help me?

The designs i am working on are fairly simple punchcard designs in a kind of 80’s / graphic design, the jumpers themselves are men’s long jumper and cardigan style. I can send fully recognised patterns and drawing to you if you can help. Please let me know if you know of anyone or anywhere which is worth trying. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much. my email address is

Glad to help if I can I have sent you an email.
2009-02-17 17:54:06

Help setting up Toyota in Lincoln

I have aquired an old (new condition) knitting machine. It is a Toyota Elena7 without instructions. Is there anyone in Lincoln who could help me set it up & use please. Or any Knitting Machine Lessons available. Thank You

Thank You Cassie but need help in Lincoln. Had a couple of machines years ago but don’t know how to set this one up. If I did I could manage to work it from other books/video. No instructions at all you see. Pleased you found a group I used to go to one in Lincoln. No Knitting Machine Shops at all now.

Thanks again – Sylvia

2009-03-19 23:20:47
I have just taken the plunge and after having aquired an old Brother KH710 which has been under the bed for about eleven years I desperately wanted to find help in the area. Imagine my surprise when I found a group of people in Donington Lincolnshire. It’s just up the road for me and I went along for the first time last Thursday with my machine and I received such wonderful help. This is the web site of where they meet :~

Hope it is of some help if you don’t find anything nearer.

2009-03-10 16:48:32

Changes to Trading Post order form

The changes are only to the checkout process. There are now 4 steps to checking out your order, once you’ve chosen your items:

1. View cart
2. Select postal region
3. Confirm you’re happy to pay the postal charges
4. Checkout your order on the PayPal site

I hope it makes things easier for you, but – as ever – Matt is on hand to help you with any queries. Just email him and he’ll try to answer you within 24 hours (but not on weekends!).

That’s all for now!


How do I get a subscription for the US?
Liz Arthur
2009-03-02 13:25:04
I am having huge trouble in login in as l keep getting a message saying that l can’t use my e-mail address this makes no sense to me.

Kind regards Sue Brown

Susie B
2009-02-23 16:09:35
I have just registered and logged in with no problems at all. I love your magazine. Long may it continue.

Best Regards

Avril Kirk

2009-02-23 18:45:44
Hi Sue
If you email me at with more details of your problem I’ll help you sort the problem out.


2009-02-24 14:28:04
thank you very much
2009-03-05 10:17:23
Hi Liz
All of our products in Trading Post show prices for UK customers. Simply add items to your cart and then when you check out you’ll be asked to select your postal region and the shipping costs will be added then.

I hope that makes sense.

Best wishes

2009-03-02 13:28:25